Category: Uncategorized

Di Rabarbaro In Frasca

vini naturali e musica buona: mai più senza Associazione di Promozione Sociale costituita da: Flavia, Teo & Martina “[…] Il rabarbaro, quindi, è utilizzato come droga lassativo – stimolante, come droga digestiva ed eupeptica, ma anche come droga dalle proprietà astringenti, che limita cioè l’azione lassativa della droga stessa. Questo è anche il motivo per cui il rabarbaro – tra le…

além das chuvas de outono – #Luis Eloi Stein

Uma lua sem luz que no céu escava um espaço de céu como se fosse, o céu, uma folha de papel-carbono já guardado quando gasto no Primário, depois do recreio como o silêncio das três e meia da madrugada que pode durar como as chuvas de outono como se fosse, o outono, um gigante cansado e saciado subindo pelo seu…

against love – #Ben Aleshire

when you finally understand, your teeth will become ash and your eyes fallen stardust. your fingers will not guide you anymore – your direction was once free and bold, but now your nose detects only the odor of regret for death. this verdict (yours) is for those who love the tyranny of the self in others: your overvaluation of love…

As your daily bread

Informal test of speed current of water stream. How many meanings could have your lips moving the word “Race” between your teeth? Don’t chew the tongue! the word is simple: white, blu, black: Stumble in the waves of skins toward an international fear: to be and not to live. But feel your breath free to breed bread in a contemporary…

become proud

I’m driving on the right side of the street I’m dancing through the world as fast as I can eat take my lips care about the list: you have to tell to somebody more that you want speak. But it’ll be your growth with fear and gold sick: everybody feels what it will be your skills: rest and go moving…

a summer ago

such a car prostrate crashed into August’s blackburries gently dies saing goodbye to the summer, as a beach umbrella’s pole oxidized by the old age kills the wind defending a temporary land – for both – sepia asphalt and silver dust enclose sands blending to the warmth summery vapour And mermeids of flags to the sky whistle, rustle, scratch cutting…

hectars of letters

barefoot unsettled jump from the stomach to the voice that mood chameleonic mood typical of sleep-walkers in the dark and during the day when they want to wake up they sleep you sleep you want to sleep but the iron of the backrest wrought-iron thrown to crush the bed rumble on the iron wall and bricks and limes and clattering…